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Improving the visitor experience: Window on the Wetlands gets new air-con

Department of Tourism, Sport and Culture

The Window on the Wetlands (WoW) Visitor Centre will offer an improved experience for visitors once a new air-con system is installed.

The present system has been in place for more than 25 years and is unreliable and uneconomical to run. WoW will close for four weeks from 6 January to 3 February 2020 to allow for the installation of a new system.

Tour operators and key stakeholders have been informed of the closure. Jumping crocodile cruise operators who use the WoW access road will not be affected.

Quotes from Dean McAdam, A/Director, Northern Australian Parks:

“Window on the Wetlands is popular with visitors thanks to its interactive and interpretive displays explaining the ecological processes of the wetlands, and the local Aboriginal and European history.

“Open seven days a week except Christmas Day, January is the quietest month at WoW when it comes to visitor numbers, so the new air-con system will be installed during that down time.

“Once the new system is in place, WoW will provide a more comfortable experience for visitors and staff.”

Media Contact: Department of Tourism, Sport and Culture Media Manager 0476 844 832

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