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Travelling these school holidays? Make sure your vaccinations are up to date

Department of Health

Territorians are being reminded to ensure they are fully immunised against measles before travelling over the school holiday period, as cases are currently present in Australia and much of the rest of the world.

“No matter where you plan to travel it is important to be immunised against measles as it is a highly infectious, yet preventable disease,” said Dr Vicki Krause, Director of Centre for Disease Control.

“Unprotected people can become easily infected by simply walking through a shopping centre or airport where someone has the disease – or by sitting next to someone who does not yet have symptoms but is capable of spreading the disease.

“If you have not had two measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccines or you are unsure, it is time to get a MMR vaccine. You will be protecting yourself or your child against a serious disease and also protecting those in the community who may not be able to be vaccinated.”

The symptoms of measles are fever, cough, runny nose and sore eyes, which usually occur 7-10 days after exposure to a case, followed a few days later by a red blotchy rash, which often starts on the face and then becomes widespread over the body.  

Don’t let illness ruin your holiday. Be up to date with your vaccinations.  Measles vaccines are free. Talk to your doctor or vaccine provider for more information.

For further information about looking after your health when travelling overseas visit the Australian Government Smart traveller website.

For more information about measles visit

Contact:   Russel Guse 0436 933 810

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