Media Release
Northern Territory Government
Department of Education Have Your Say on the NT Secondary Education Review
7 June 2023
The Northern Territory Government is committed to reviewing and strengthening secondary education in our government schools.
As a result, the Department of Education engaged Deloitte Access Economics and the Northern Institute at Charles Darwin University to review secondary education in the NT in October 2022 and since then consultation has occurred with school community and sector stakeholders across the Territory.
A public discussion paper has today been launched, and we invite you to have your say.
The department’s Chief Executive, Karen Weston says that the department is committed to a strong public education system that promotes excellence and supports every child to become confident and creative individuals, successful lifelong learners and informed members of our community.
“We heard through the Education Engagement Strategy consultation in 2021 that there is a clear call for greater provision of secondary education options and post school pathway opportunities across all locations of the NT, and particularly in remote areas,” Ms Weston said.
“The review will provide a deeper understanding of the vision our students, their families and school communities have for secondary education.
“The review will deliver on Government’s Education NT Strategy 2021-2025 action to ‘review and strengthen secondary education in Years 7-12. This review focuses on increased participation, retention and completion, particularly in remote areas’ as well as the 2020 NT Government election commitment to ‘revitalise secondary provision’,” Ms Weston said.
The discussion paper identifies five key areas of focus for exploration through the review:
o Recognition of learning: Capturing and certifying a range of student learning success and capabilities.
o Transitions and pathways: Designing flexible and intentional pathways to enable students’ success.
o Learning access and design: Driving equitable and flexible access to learning through delivery modes and courses.
o Partnerships and engagement: Ensuring the success of students, in partnership and through engagement.
o Systems of supports: Providing a foundation of support to enable secondary education provision.
The public discussion paper can be accessed on the NT Have Your Say website Review of Secondary Education in the Northern Territory | Have Your Say Northern Territory [] and we encourage you to contribute.
Responses to the Have Your Say will shape the needs and aspirations for secondary education in the NT, and potential opportunities to improve delivery.
A final report is scheduled for delivery to the NT Government in July 2023.
Media contact
Rickie Abraham | 0401 119 215