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Media Release

Northern Territory Government

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Sustainable land management field day registrations closing soon

4 October 2021

Pastoralists and those involved in land resource management are invited to attend a two-day field event on Sustainable Land Management on central Australian rangelands.

Landcare NT is partnering with the Centralian Land Management Association (CLMA), to host the program at Aileron Racecourse on 12 and 13 October 2021.

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (the department) has been assisting Landcare NT and CLMA in organising the field days.

Would-be attendees have until 7 October to register for the event, which is proving popular with pastoralists and has seen an influx of accommodation bookings for the field day.

Topics being discussed at the event include:

rehydrating central Australian landscapes for improved production and biodiversitythe amazing landscapes of central Australia – natural assets that support animal production and wildlifeinnovative technologies available to central Australian land managerspractice change which can lead to improved productivity, biodiversity and landscape resilience, and conservation programs on central Australian landscapes – potential for income diversification and environmental services.

The program will include presentations and practical field demonstrations.

Staff from the department will be presenting the latest information on arid zone pasture productivity and carrying capacity methodology.

Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with presenters such as Col Stanton, Tim Wiley and the department’s team at their trade stands, as well as during the networking dinner under the stars.

This important industry event aims to address the growing interest surrounding sustainable land management, improving production and biodiversity, and improving natural capital for central Australian rangelands.

Tickets cost $100 per person to cover catering.

To register for the event visit: []

Quotes from Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Pastoral Extension Officer, Lakota Taber:

“We are really excited to be supporting the Landcare NT and Centralian Land Management Association organised event.

“Field days are so important for producers, other land managers, advisors and practitioners to meet face-to-face and share knowledge and experiences.

“The presentations and practical demonstrations at Aileron are a great way to learn new skills that can help producers manage their natural resources and increase productivity.”

Quotes from Landcare NT Inc Chair, Annie Andrews:

“We feel privileged to deliver a much needed variety of speakers and thank the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program and our sponsors for their support.

“In the main, we support small Landcare groups all over the NT with their community work, however we are pleased to branch out and support our remote community members by providing this project.

“By contracting out the meals to local volunteer associations, we are also helping the remote community with their fundraising activities.”

Quotes from Centralian Land Management Association President, Liz Bird:

“We are very appreciative of the support that Landcare NT has given our area by providing these land resource education opportunities.

“The lineup of speakers is very varied and top quality.

“I aim to be able to connect with these topics and take home useful skills to use on my property.”


Media contact:

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade – 0409 640 859

Landcare NT – 0476 516 631

Centralian Land Management Association – 0409 670 887

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