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Media Release

Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority EOI to join NT EPA now open

25 November 2022

The Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA) is seeking Expressions of Interest from 2 new members to join the board.

The NT EPA is an independent statutory authority that provides advice to government on the environmental acceptability of significant development proposals, undertakes regulatory activities to encourage effective waste management, pollution control and sustainable practices and may provide advice to government on a range of environmental policy matters. It is supported in its work by the Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security.

There are currently 2 vacancies on the 8 member NT EPA board.

Appointments will commence in early 2023, for a period of up to 3 years. The Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority Act 2012 establishes criteria that an appointed member has skills, knowledge and experience in environmental science, environment and natural resource management, waste management and pollution control, economic analysis, social analysis, business, environmental law and management in a regulatory field.

Ideally members will also demonstrate expertise and experience in regional areas and issues, Indigenous issues and working with the community.

Priority will be given to Territorians, and other applicants with experience working in the Northern Territory.

Expressions of interest close on 21 December 2022 and should be made in writing to:

Executive Director, Environment Assessment and Policy

GPO Box 3675


Further information can be found at []

Media Manager | 0476 844 832

Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority

GPO Box 3675

Darwin NT 0801

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