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Media Release

Northern Territory Government

NT Health Public Health Alert: Gastroenteritis

17 July 2023

Territorians are being encouraged take measures to protect themselves and others from infectious gastroenteritis (gastro).

The dry season usually sees an increase in gastro, often introduced from interstate or overseas travellers, and it can spread easily from person to person.

Infectious gastro is spread by eating food or drinking water that has been contaminated by infected animals or people. It can also be acquired by handling contaminated objects or surfaces and then with unwashed hands touching your lips or mouth or eating handheld food.

Common gastro symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach cramps. Other symptoms may include fever, headache, blood or pus in the faeces, loss of appetite, bloating, lethargy and body aches.

NT Health has reported 151 cases of cryptosporidiosis to date in 2023, a parasite which can cause gastro. This is an increase of 92 per cent compared to the average number of cases recorded as at 17 July over the past 5 years.

Good hygiene is important to prevent gastro. Always wash hands with warm soapy water, particularly:

· after going to the toilet

· before preparing or handling food and immediately after handling raw meat

· after changing dirty nappies or linen.

Other prevention measures include:

· cook meat, fish and poultry thoroughly and do not let raw meat contaminate other food

· ensure cutting boards, knives and plates for raw food are kept separate from ready-to-eat-foods

· keep cold food cold (below 5°C) and hot food hot (above 60°C) to discourage bacterial growth

· people with vomiting or diarrhoea should not prepare or handle food that will be eaten by others

· anyone with diarrhoea should not swim, wade or paddle in public pools. If you are diagnosed with cryptosporidiosis, you shouldn’t swim in pools for at least 2 weeks after your diarrhoea stops.

The most important part of treatment for gastro is preventing and treating dehydration. Anyone with diarrhoea or vomiting should drink extra fluids to avoid dehydration.

Most gastro will resolve on its own after a few days; however, anyone who notices the following should seek medical attention:

· diarrhoea is severe or prolonged (more than 3 days)

· blood in faeces

· you have returned from overseas with symptoms

· you are concerned about symptoms.

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