Office of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Compliance with the Electoral Act 2004
7 March 2023
The Independent Commissioner Against Corruption and the Northern Territory Electoral Commissioner have recently completed a 12-month long joint investigation into allegations of undisclosed campaign donations to a candidate in the 2020 Northern Territory general election.
Ultimately, insufficient evidence was obtained to substantiate wrongdoing. For that reason, no further information about the investigation will be disclosed.
However, the investigation serves as a timely reminder to candidates, parties and donors to ensure that they comply with the donations requirements contained within the Electoral Act 2004 (NT).
A failure to comply with provisions of the Electoral Act may amount to a criminal offence and may also be anti-democratic conduct under the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Act 2017.
Candidates, parties and donors must ensure they are familiar with their obligations and comply with them.
If any person has information regarding non-compliance, they should contact the ICAC or the Electoral Commission.
Michael Riches
Independent Commissioner Against Corruption
Iain Loganathan
Electoral Commissioner