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Office of the Independent Commissioner Against Corruption Research Report - Longitudinal analysis of reports of suspected improper conduct

16 February 2023

This morning the Commissioner published a Research Report about reports made to the ICAC between 30 November 2018 and 31 December 2022. During that period 1,467 reports were received.

The publication includes an analysis of reports over time and by reference to subject agencies. The general nature and number of allegations contained within reports is also provided.

The Commissioner said: “I hope that the information contained within this report is the catalyst for discussion, particularly amongst public officers, about both willingness to report wrongdoing and perceptions of improper conduct within public bodies. The publication of this report coincides with a project currently underway to better understand experiences and challenges whistleblowers face in the Northern Territory. I look forward to meeting with heads of public bodies over coming months to talk about agency specific observations.”

The Research Report: Longitudinal analysis of reports of suspected improper conduct [] []can be found on the ICAC website.

Michael Riches

Independent Commissioner Against Corruption

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