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Media Release

Northern Territory Government

Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Unlocking Aboriginal Development Funding

22 February 2023

The Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade is assisting NT Aboriginal tourism businesses access to consultancy services to seek opportunities and unlock potential funding through a new Unlocking Aboriginal Tourism Development Funding initiative.

The consultancy services will assist NT Aboriginal tourism businesses with navigating and accessing the broad range of philanthropic and government funding opportunities available for the Aboriginal tourism sector.

The initiative will focus on support for new or enhanced existing tourism product offerings and experiences such as; new product capital, enhanced visitor experiences, business systems development, workforce development or marketing that supports engagement with new markets and trade distribution partners.

Tourism NT has secured two consultants, Darwin based Cross Cultural Consultants International [] and Alice Springs based Remote Strategy Plus [], with both consultants offering up to 2 hours for initial advice and assistance, as well as more extensive consultation services up to 16 hours to assist NT Aboriginal tourism businesses to prepare funding applications.

This is a non-competitive grant and applications will be assessed as received. Applications are open now and close 30 May 2023 or earlier if funding is fully subscribed.

To be eligible, businesses must be an NT Aboriginal owned business or organisation with a goal to develop an Aboriginal cultural tourism experience.

This funding initiative supports the Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Strategy 2020 - 2030’s mission to develop a sustainable Aboriginal tourism sector.

To view the grant guidelines and to apply visit


Applicants are encouraged to email [] or phone the team on 08 8999 7420 to discuss ideas and applications prior to making a final submission. To learn more about the Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Strategy 2020 - 2030 visit []

Quotes from Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade Deputy CE Tourism, Services and Hospitality Scott Lovett:

“The Unlocking Aboriginal Tourism Development Funding initiative aims to open doors for NT Aboriginal businesses seeking to grow their product or experience.

“This initiative, along with the Aboriginal Tourism Development Support grant program that opened earlier this month, is about supporting our Aboriginal tourism businesses build sustainable tourism experiences.

“The vision of the Northern Territory Aboriginal Tourism Strategy 2020 - 2030 is for the Territory to be the undeniable Australian leader in the Aboriginal tourism sector by 2030, and this latest initiative is another step towards growing the Territory’s Aboriginal tourism sector.

“Research shows there is a gap between the market demand for and supply of Aboriginal cultural experiences in the NT. We aim to bridge that gap with these latest funding opportunities.”


Media contact: 0428 052 647

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