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Media Release

Northern Territory Government

Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security Simplified Fire Danger Rating System rolls out

1 September 2022

The new Australian Fire Danger Rating System (AFDRS) comes into effect from today, simplifying and streamlining the way fire danger is communicated to the public.

The new AFDRS has been developed using the latest science to be more accurate and relevant to where you live. The new system will be used across the country, so whether you’re at home or traveling, you will see the same colours, signs and fire danger ratings being used.

Fire danger ratings describe the potential level of danger should a bushfire start and provide the community with information so they can take action to protect themselves and others from the potentially dangerous impacts of fires.

From today, 4 levels of fire danger ratings will be used instead of 6 with simple actions for the community to take at each level.

Fire danger ratings are used to communicate the consequences of a fire, if one was to start. On days when there is minimal risk, ‘No Rating’ will be used.

The AFDRS calculates fire danger at a finer geographic scale than ever before so more relevant and specific information can be provided.

Significant cost savings are expected due to improved fire danger information leading to better decisions and more appropriate and timely action.

It will also improve cross-border operations and support sharing of firefighting resources. It aims to improve public safety and reduce the impacts of bushfires by:

· Improving the scientific accuracy behind fire danger predictions

· Improving the way that that fire is communicated

· Providing government and industry with better decision-making tools

· Implementing a new national consistent fire danger rating system.

The first set of signs have been installed at the Berry Springs Volunteer Bushfire Brigade shed with the rest to be rolled out over the coming months.

More information is available at

Quotes by Bushfires NT Executive Director Collene Bremner

“The Australia-wide collaborative approach to developing the new AFDRS will provide clearer advice to the community.

“You will start seeing the new fire danger rating roadside signs changing from September 2022 across the Territory.

“There will be actions for each level, so you’ll know what to do to protect yourself, your family and your property.”

Quotes by Northern Territory Fire and Rescue Service Acting Deputy Chief Fire Officer Joshua Fischer

“Bushfires can occur right across the Territory, the new fire danger rating system is an added tool to ensure our communities are informed and ready to take decisive action when a bushfire threat approaches.

“Fire danger ratings will now accurately reflect the diverse vegetation types across the Territory and the risk to people, wherever they may reside.

“The new fire danger rating system will improve the way fire danger is communicated and the accuracy behind fire danger predictions.”

Quotes by Bureau of Meteorology, Northern Territory Manager, Shenagh Gamble

"The new fire danger rating system improves the reliability of fire danger forecasts. It uses the latest scientific understanding about weather, fuel and how fire behaves in different types of vegetation.

"The Bureau's website provides fire danger rating forecasts for each state and territory."

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