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Director of Public Prosecutions - Senior staff movements

Department of Attorney-General and Justice

Director of Public Prosecutions, Jack Karczewski QC

Director of Public Prosecutions, Jack Karczewski QC will be taking extended personal leave from Wednesday 30 June 2021 with the view of stepping back from his role to retirement later in the year.

Mr Karczewski has dedicated the last 37 years of his career to justice in the Northern Territory. He began employment with the Prosecutions Division of the Northern Territory Department of Law in June 1984 and was admitted to practice as a Legal Practitioner of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory in August 1984. He was appointed Senior Crown Prosecutor for the Northern Territory in September 1991. He transferred to the Policy Division in the Attorney-General's department in December 1993 and was employed as a policy law officer until November 1997. He was the Acting Director of the Policy Division from March 1997 to September 1997. Jack transferred back to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions in November 1997 and took up the position of Assistant Director, Darwin. He was appointed a Queen's Counsel in December 2001, appointed Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions in June 1998 and Director of Public Prosecutions in February 2013.

Acting CEO, Gemma Lake says, "I ask that Mr Karczewski's privacy is respected while he is on personal leave. Arrangements for an Acting Director are underway and Victoria Engel stepping in as Deputy Director will ensure the OPP continues with strong and stable leadership".

Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, Matthew Nathan SC

After almost 13 years with the DPP, Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions, Matthew Nathan SC is leaving his role on Friday 25 June. Matthew has accepted a new role with a prosecution firm and is returning to New Zealand with his family.

Mr Nathan moved to Darwin in September 2008 to take up his role as Senior Crown Prosecutor. In 2012 Mr Nathan was appointed as the Sexual Assault Senior Crown Prosecutor being responsible for the prosecution of serious sexual offences in the jurisdiction as well as training and policy liaison regarding legislative amendment. Mr Nathan was appointed Senior Counsel in 2015 before being appointed as Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for the Northern Territory in 2018.

Mr Nathan said, "The decision to leave my role was not made lightly. I am passionate about the work that I do and feel pride in being part of an organisation that assists and supports the most vulnerable members of our society. However, the opportunity to raise my children in my homeland where they can connect with their culture and family was too great an opportunity to miss".

Acting CEO, Gemma Lake says, "Matthew is an excellent lawyer and advocate and I wish him well in his new role. I thank him for his years of dedicated service. Victoria Engel has stepped into the role of Deputy Director and I look forward to working with Victoria.

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